Van Olst Horses

The stallionshow with English commentary is available after the event. 

Live! Stallionshow April 9th - 2.00 pm

English: Van Olst Stallion Show

English: Van Olst Stallion Show

English: Van Olst Stallion Show

NL: Hengstenshow 9 april - 14.00 uur

NL: Hengstenshow 9 april - 14.00 uur

Zondag 9 april zullen de hengsten van Van Olst Horses gepresenteerd worden tijdens onze jaarlijkse hengstenshow. Traditiegetrouw op eerste paasdag beginnen we om 14.00 uur met het tonen van al onze hengsten. Te denken valt uiteraard aan de jonge lichting O

Van Olst Horses TV

Van Olst Horses is a professional equestrian business that operates internationally within all facets of the modern jumping / dressage sport and breeding.

Stallions at stud, youngstock, sport, purchase and sale, complement each other seamlessly through a system developed over the years based on own experience and own philosophy. Our aim is: “To strive for the highest possible quality in everything”.

"Strive for the highest achievable quality in everything"

Van Olst Horses is a professional equistrian business whose main activities are stallions at stud, dressage, training, youngstock & the purchase and sales of horses.